Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Wednesday Disc Golf at Rutgers, DeBunker Hill, and Tinicum and then back to work

Headed up to Rutgers for some Disc Golf. Got in a round and left to meet up with Rob.

Cubby and Rob at DeBunker Hill. We got in 27 holes.

Rob and Cubby at Tinicum for a round. Rob joined an exclusive club of players getting a 3 on hole 18. He had a very long skip shot for the three.

Rob putting with the CRO.

Cubby, Don, Rob, and Don's Fan Club: Andrew and Melanie
We played one round then I had to unexpectedly go back to work until 11PM. Part of my only day off is better than no day off at all.


mag said...

Putting with a CRO are you serious....I have a new one and have yet to throw did it work out for you.....mag

Robert Zurfluh said...

Putting with the Cro.....lots of low putts. But it's not the Cro's fault...all my fault for not practicing enough.

hope thing turned-out allright at work. Too bad you had to go. I was looking forward to my skip-shot re-creation on your blog.....