It was another great road trip for Cubby and Big John. We headed down to Delaware to spend the day playing Disc Golf. We got in 4 rounds at Bellvue State Park Disc Golf Course. This was a day of Disc Golf improvements. We both made some corrections in our drives that made a difference today. I made a change in my throws that really helped me get some extra distance.

We left the course to get something to eat and headed to White Clay State Park Disc Golf Course. During our second round we met a really nice bunch of Disc Golfers that follow the blog and our YOUTUBE videos. We joined them on hole 3 and had a blast.

Slow motion video of drives on Hole 4 from the group.
After the round I gave each player one of my Disc Golf discs and got them all to sign the back of one of my Firebirds, hopefully the next disc I retire on the course. It was a real treat to meet and play a round of Disc Golf with this spirited bunch of Disc Golfers. Big John and I really enjoyed the experience.

Thanks to Ryan, Tom, Kenny, Big Mike, and Brian for being a part of Cubby's Disc Golf World.
One of the best days of disc golf I've ever had, actually who am I kidding? It WAS the best day of disc golf I ever had.
too bad i had school today man. i play with all of those guys from delaware on the regular. maybe next time.
Hey Cubby and Big John! Brian here, and all I want to say is thanks. We will definitely be keeping up on the blog to check the next time you come to Delaware. We should be coming up to Rutgers in a few weeks, so be ready for us! Thanks for the good round.
Kenny and Brian, Thanks for the comments. I just added slow motion video of our drives on hole 4.
Ed, Sorry we did not get to see you on the course today, we will catch you next time.
What a trip! Those Dudes from Delaware are allright.
(are they Delawarians or Delawarites?).
-Big John
been watching the blog and have to say you are a great disc golf player. but why don't you come out west to Oregon and Washington for a vacation and show us how its done. very few holes are under 250 feet where i play and just would like to see you try and get aces on these western more advance courses. keep playin
I'd love to play out in Oregon and Washington. Hopefully one day I will make it out west to play. I love any kind of Disc Golf Course short or long. One my favorite course was the Tobogan Course at the 200 Worlds. I shot 23 over there (average over 400 feet a hole) that was half of my over par strokes for the entire week at Worlds.
As far as hitting a long Ace. As long as it is in my throwing range I have a chance at it. My longest Ace was a 256 foot skip shot. that I threw over 300 feet to get the Ace. It took a wide long throw to get near the pin.
The reason I like playing short courses is it puts all Disc Golfers within range of a duece negating the advantage that a long arm has on a course. Makes them have to throw the technical shot.
Long arms hate getting beat by short arms on a short course.
Short course are fun too for recreational competition between friends. Keeps it close until the last shot.
No one ever complains that bowling alley lanes are short. The just have to throw the perfect shot everytime to beat the competion not roll the ball farther than everyone else :)
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