Headed to Tyler State Park Disc Golf Course to meet Rob for some rounds. Miguel joined us before we finished hole 1 during the first round. Note that Rob is pointing to himself with a thumbs down pose. The original picture had him pointing at me. Rob remember I can edit pictures so the jokes on you :)

Rob, Cubby, Eric, Drew, Bret, and Miguel
Rob pulls another fast one (he's getting as bad as Don in the basket photos) and gives Cubby the Mickey Mouse ears during this group photo with Eric, Drew, Bret and Miguel. Bret and Drew are on Spring Break from Saint Louis, MO. Bret is one of Eric's four brothers. It was great that Bret and Drew could join us for some rounds and be a part of the blog. Miguel was a real Tropper coming to the course injured after almost falling down the stairs the night before, he ended up straining his left arm trying to prevent the fall. Now that is dedication! It was fun watching Eric and Bret really rip some long shots. Drew has only been playing for a short period of time and could really throw a nice overhand shot. After 2 rounds of 27 Holes Miguel had to go and the rest of us headed to Rob's private Bunker Hill Disc Golf Course.

Here we are at Bunker Hill Disc Golf Course. We played 3 rounds of 9 holes and then Cubby headed to Rutgers to meet up with Jay for some rounds.

Jay and Cubby got in 2 rounds and Jay hit a very impressive Ace on hole 13, one of the best protected baskets on the course. What a sweet shot!
Jay's 4th Ace Photo

Thanks to everyone for a great day of Disc Golf!
Yes....I went down....I tried my best in the first round @ Tyler, but I can only continue to dream the dream.
Meanwhile on Bunker Hill, Cubby joined the ranks of the not-so-many to deuce hole 7.
Hey Cubby,
It was nice to play with you again, Brett and Drew had a great time. Rob we loved your course, it was laid out well and a lot of fun.
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