Headed up to Rob's private Bunker Hill Disc Golf Course for some rounds of Disc Golf. We started at 6:30AM. We played two rounds. Rob won the first round by one stroke. I took the second round.
Tim, Cubby, ROb, and Mike.
Rob and Mike joined us for two more rounds.
Rob and I played one more round and a putting game before I headed to the Jersey Shore to go to work.
Putting game here.....
hey now,how goes your plans for that new basket you're working on.Peace
Cool you guys found out about Perfect Putt 360 too, I've been practicing using that game for a month and have already seen improvements in my putting.
Happy Discin'
I'm going to have to read that putting game instructions again...not making sense to me right now. But anything to help with my putting is good!
I liked your recent putting video! I agree, I put a lot better without putting a lot of thought or time into my putt...
- Brad in Texas -
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