Just got in some new discs from the good people at discgolfvalues.com
They have a great selction of the discs I like to throw and the prices are sweet. Check out their X-OUT section for some great savings.
You can order your discs from discgolfvalues.com at the link below:
Tell them Cubby sent you!
The big black X on the discs was added by me. It helps me find the discs a lot easier when I play at night.
I have been wondering about the black X but how does it help you find the disc at night? Is it glow ink?
The X does not glow but it is the contrast between the Large Black X and whatever color the disc is, that makes it easier in the dark to spot your disc on the ground. With all the night Disc Golf I play, I don't alwyas use lights on my discs so it is a great help.
I use a very wide permanet marker from Avery called "Marks-A-Lot".
Here is a link to the marker I use:
I hope you enjoy that Max Cubby. The Max is my favorite driver. I can't turn it over to save my life. Jason
Hi Jason, I will be at Warwick, NY on Sunday in the early morning hours and hope to put the MAX and the TREX to the test. I've never thrown either disc before so I can't wait to let em rip.
Oh I've got the "Marks-A-Lot" my friend and I do mark but not lots.
The only night disc'in I've done is with glowy discs and glow sticks on baskets. I've never lived in a urban area that had a course with lighting available like your home course seems to provide.
I'm a bit jealous but I'm not sure I'd give up the hilly wildness of my two current courses for night play unless of course I stop consulting and have to work normal hours.
Hey Cub,
Let me know how the Condor flies. I play DG as well as ultimate and think a heavier larger diameter disc would be good for me. I have also looked at the Zephyr. Have you thrown that?
Also my website is the website for the course in Murray Ky.
Wally, I love the Condor. I had a heavy one but got my 55th Ace with it. Just got around to getting another one, this one is a light weight one, I'll be throwing it tomorrow and let you know how it feels. A Condor is a great apporach Disc. I use it when I want to throw straight which I hate to do, I always prefer to throw at angles, large sweeping ones :)
sixten80, Any Night Disc Golf is good Disc Golf :)
I also throw a Teerex, but it turns over too much for me. If I have the room I can throw a Teerex 50 feet, or more, farther than a Max. With the Max, on the other hand, I can control it far better than my other over stable discs. I can put a super anhyzer on a Max and it will hold that line for half the flight, and then come back really hard. I snaked a brand new Max down 20 ft wide fairway for 250ft today- I went O.B with a champion monster my first time around because the disc never fought the anhyzer. If you like the Max, I suggest you try a Gateway Sprit. I just started throwing the Sprit a couple of days ago and it is working out well. I find the Sprit a tad bit more over stable than a Max but seems to fly farther. Have fun thrown' tomorrow. I be banging the chains in DeKalb from noon till dark- take that school work. Jason.
Jason, Thaks for the Info on the TREX, tomorrow will be the first time throwing one, I'll have to see where it fits in my game.
I think the MAX will work well for my lefty throws as I seem to overpower them so a very overstable disc will be just what the doctor ordered.
As for you playing Noon to Dark tomorrow instead of doing School work:
School work is important, but Disc Golf is most important :) You've earned the Cubby seal of approval for getting your priorities straight!
"School work is important, but Disc Golf is most important :) You've earned the Cubby seal of approval for getting your priorities straight"
I tell that to my thesis chair and see what she thinks about that.
But I'm still going. I have a 150 Flick to learn, as well as a discraft crush, a gateway illusion, a whippet, and get a little more knowledge about the sprit. I placed in 11th place today in my first tournament, I was only 5 throws out of 1st place, but I was playing with people who have been playing for 7 years. It was fun, I'll be playing in more tournaments in the future. Jason
Like I said you get the Cubby seal of approval, anyone elses approval and your on your own :)
Congrats on your first tournament.
have fun throwing all that new plastic tomorrow.
Hmmmm.. Time for me to sleep I have to get up in a couple of hours to get ready to play :)
Jason, I told you that you'd be playing Pro in 3 years, great start in your first tournament.
-Big John
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