Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Cubby on Disc Golf Monthly

Disc Golf Monthly 46 - Clip 3

Here is some footage of the 2008 New Years Day Disc Golf Tournament in Philadelphia, PA. Cubby gets asked about his latest Ace.

You can also see Clips 1 and 2 of the tournament on the YOUTUBE Disc Golf Monthly Channel at the link below as well as lots of other disc golf event footage capptured by Kevin McGorry the producer and great friend of Disc Golf.



Quixote Kid said...

Cubby, thanks for sharing that link. I hope you get to feeling better so you can post another video ace soon. There is a short 9 hole course (Wells Branch MUD) near my workplace (Austin, TX). I've gotten a couple of co-workers interested and we play the 9 holes almost everyday at lunch. None of us have gotten aces yet, but we have hit metal several times. My last ace was way back in 1993, I'm way over due!

mag said...

Yo Cubby; Yesterday at the March'O Madness Tournament at Rutgers, I got 2 discs from BOB from the New Years Eve Tourney to give to you and Big John.....hope to see you soon....mag