Spook's latest album
Here is a link to listen to and buy all 4 of his CD's:
You can get more info on Spook Handy at his website or you just might find him throwing a round at Rutgers:
Follow Cubby's Disc Golf Adventures.
Thanks for the link Cubby I'll check it out, I like that kind of music anyway. Hey by any chance do you or have you ever owned an Innova Skill Shot? I just bought one and was wondering if you could provide any input on it.
Greg, I do not own a skill but have thrown at them many times. A tihght target area but great for practice. The only real limitation is the number of putters that the basket portion holds if you have lots of putters that you use for practice. My friend Rob just ordered a DGA Machlite. Looking forward to throwing to that target. he said he got it from sun king discs for $135 and that included shipping.
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