Headed up to Rutgers for some long overdue Disc Golf. The was the first chance I had to try out some new discs from the good people over at Disc Golf Station. Check out there link to the right of this page. They sent me 5 Discraft Meteor Golf Discs. My favorite midrange disc is the Discraft Flex Buzzz so I wanted to see how the Meteor was going to fly.
The Discraft Meteor, 5 times sweet!
After playing rounds for three hours with the Meteor I was really impressed with how well it performed at every speed. With the right disc angle and speed combination this disc did it all. I even liked putting with it. I also got my 435th Ace with a 177 gram Meteor. Move over Buzzz the Meteor has arrived!

Cubby's 4356th Ace Photo.
Thanks again to Disc Golf Station! Check out their site and get some plastic.