After a long day at work ending late in the night on Thursday, I headed up to Rutgers for some Disc Golf. I sent a text message to Big John letting him know I was on my way to the course and as luck would have it, he was on his way home from work and said he would meet me at Rutgers for one round of Disc Golf.
We played match play and I won 4 up with 3 holes left. I had three ace runs hitting the pole on 9 and just missing chains on a skip run on 1 and a high cut shot on 6.
It was great to throw a round with Big John again. We hit a couple of golf balls afterwards and after John left I continued hitting golf balls and then continued to play more Disc Golf.
I got my 423, 424, and 425 Aces. On my 423rd Ace I used a Star Avair for a putter only round (the same disc Big John is holding in his hand in the photo we took together above). On my 424th Ace I was just about to throw and stopped to let a couple walk by. Looking back at my shot, they thought it was cool to see my skip shot hit the clains and land in the basket.

Cubby's 423rd Ace Photo.

Cubby's 424th Ace Photo.

Cubby;s 425th Ace Photo.