Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Done with Disc Golf for the year, catch you in 2010.
Heading to Puerto Rico this morning to do some work on the condo with my Dad. I will be back on 10 January 2010. Enjoy your time out on the course!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Rob's Annual Birthday Disc Golf Event at Bunker Hill
Standing: Don, Cubby, Dave, Mike, Mel, Max, Tom, Rob, and Miguel.
Kneeling: Mike and Tim.

Headed over to Rob Z's private Bunker Hill Disc Golf Course on Sunday morning for his annual Birthday Disc Golf Event. We had a 11 Disc Golfers at this event, the last BH Tag round for 2009 and new tags for 2010-2011. During the round we had some hot apple cider. No aces but some of the particpants were ringing chains.
It rained for during round but it was a good time. Max took top honors with a 49.
After the round we had pizza. Happy Birthday Rob!
Kneeling: Mike and Tim.
Headed over to Rob Z's private Bunker Hill Disc Golf Course on Sunday morning for his annual Birthday Disc Golf Event. We had a 11 Disc Golfers at this event, the last BH Tag round for 2009 and new tags for 2010-2011. During the round we had some hot apple cider. No aces but some of the particpants were ringing chains.
It rained for during round but it was a good time. Max took top honors with a 49.
After the round we had pizza. Happy Birthday Rob!
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Cubby narrates a Disc Golf Monthly segment on Alan's Army
I had the honor of narrating a segment Kevin McGorry put together about Alan Sweeton's battle against Brain Cancer and his determination to continue to play Disc Golf inspite of blindness that resulted in his treatment. Alan is a great guy, check out the clip below:
Cubby in the studio for work on Disc Golf Monthly Episode 68.
Cubby co-hosts Disc Golf Monthly Episode 67. The 2009 Lehigh Valley Open Disc Golf Tournament.
Matt and Cubby in the studio for DGM 67.

Once again, I had the pleasure of co-hosting another episode of Disc Golf Monthly with Matt LaCourte. Clcik on the video clips below to watch DGM 67.
DGM Episode 67 Video Clip 1 of 4.
DGM Episode 67 Video Clip 2 of 4.
DGM Episode 67 Video Clip 3 of 4.
DGM Episode 67 Video Clip 4 of 4.
You can see more of Disc Golf Monthly at the link below:
Once again, I had the pleasure of co-hosting another episode of Disc Golf Monthly with Matt LaCourte. Clcik on the video clips below to watch DGM 67.
DGM Episode 67 Video Clip 1 of 4.
DGM Episode 67 Video Clip 2 of 4.
DGM Episode 67 Video Clip 3 of 4.
DGM Episode 67 Video Clip 4 of 4.
You can see more of Disc Golf Monthly at the link below:
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday Disc Golf at Green Acres
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sunday Disc Golf at Green Acres
Cubby, Tom, Miguel, Rob, and Tim.

Headed over to Tim's private Green Acres Disc Golf Course for a couple of rounds of Disc Golf. It was a nice day for Disc Golf almost too cold for shorts. Congrats to Tim on his recent Ace on the course this past week.

Here is Tim's cute little dog named Teddy.

A shot of 18's basket from the third tee.
Headed over to Tim's private Green Acres Disc Golf Course for a couple of rounds of Disc Golf. It was a nice day for Disc Golf almost too cold for shorts. Congrats to Tim on his recent Ace on the course this past week.
Here is Tim's cute little dog named Teddy.
A shot of 18's basket from the third tee.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Sunday Disc Golf at Bunker Hill
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Happiness is getting a bunch of discs from Disc Golf Station
Monday, November 09, 2009
Monday Disc Golf at Calvert Park, Seneca Creek Park, and Riverview Park Disc Golf Courses
On my way back to New Jersey from the Disc Golf Event in Virginia I played 3 courses. Here I am ast first light at Calvert Park DGC in MD.
Don, Cubby, Roel, and Steve.
My next stop was Seneca Creek Park DGC in MD. I played doubles with some of the locals. A nice bunch of Disc Golfers. Steve and I edged out Don and Roel for the win.
My last stop was at Riverview DGC in NJ. I enjoyed all of the Disc Golf I got to play recently but now it is time to rest and recouperate.
Sunday Disc Golf at New Quarter Park. The 12th Annual Fall Colors Disc Golf Tournament
The players meeting at the 12th Annual Fall Colors DGC.
Every year I try to get back down to Virginia where I learned how to play Disc Golf. It always great to see my old Disc Golf friends and compete in the tournament where I got my first PDGA tournament victory as an Inermediate AM player at the 1st Fall Colors event in 1998. This year I competed in the Advanced Grandmasters Division.
Cubby, Mark, Peter, Lewis.

Here is the group I played with during the first round. The 3 players in this group were competing in the Pro Grandmaster Divison. (Lewis ended up winning the Pro Grandmaster Division) Peter turned 50 today. I shot a 67 the first round.
After the first round we had a great lunch provided by the event staff.
Bob, Stuart, Cubby, and Tom.

I was tied for first with Tom after the first round and Stuart and Bob were two strokes back. Stuart was the 2006 PDGA Advanced Grandmasters Disc Golf World Champion. I competed with him in the Advaced Masters Division at the 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 Am Worlds. A new Job in 2004 prevented me from future competition at the Worlds. During this round, I shot a 64 to take first in the ADV GM Div. Stuart and Bob tied for second 5 stokes back.
Every year I try to get back down to Virginia where I learned how to play Disc Golf. It always great to see my old Disc Golf friends and compete in the tournament where I got my first PDGA tournament victory as an Inermediate AM player at the 1st Fall Colors event in 1998. This year I competed in the Advanced Grandmasters Division.
Cubby, Mark, Peter, Lewis.
Here is the group I played with during the first round. The 3 players in this group were competing in the Pro Grandmaster Divison. (Lewis ended up winning the Pro Grandmaster Division) Peter turned 50 today. I shot a 67 the first round.
After the first round we had a great lunch provided by the event staff.
Bob, Stuart, Cubby, and Tom.
I was tied for first with Tom after the first round and Stuart and Bob were two strokes back. Stuart was the 2006 PDGA Advanced Grandmasters Disc Golf World Champion. I competed with him in the Advaced Masters Division at the 2000, 2001, 2002, and 2003 Am Worlds. A new Job in 2004 prevented me from future competition at the Worlds. During this round, I shot a 64 to take first in the ADV GM Div. Stuart and Bob tied for second 5 stokes back.
Playing New Quarter was a real treat today as this challenging long and wooded course was played for the first time with new basket positions, most of them in a longer position. This is one of the best courses around! Congrats to everyone that works hard to make this a great course and a great tournament.
I also had the pleasure of throwing 7 holes in practice before the event with the 2004 Junior PDGA Disc Golf World Champion Shane Lynch. Shane won his title at 12 years old. I got to play lots of rounds with Shane and his Dad Mark back in 1998. It was great to see all the regulars I used to play with when I lived in Virginia. I am looking forward to next November.
I also had the pleasure of throwing 7 holes in practice before the event with the 2004 Junior PDGA Disc Golf World Champion Shane Lynch. Shane won his title at 12 years old. I got to play lots of rounds with Shane and his Dad Mark back in 1998. It was great to see all the regulars I used to play with when I lived in Virginia. I am looking forward to next November.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Cubby co-hosts Disc Golf Monthly Episode 66, the 2009 Vibram Open Disc Golf Tournament
Matt and Cubby in the studio for DGM 66.

Check out the video clips below for coverage of the 2009 Vibram Open Disc Golf Tournamnet held at the Maple Hill Disc Golf Course in Leicester, MA.
DGM 66 Video Clip 1 of 9.
DGM 66 Video Clip 2 of 9.
DGM 66 Video Clip 3 of 9.
DGM 66 Video Clip 4 of 9.
DGM 66 Video Clip 5 of 9.
DGM 66 Video Clip 6 of 10
DGM 66 Video Clip 7 of 9.
DGM Video Clip 8 of 9.
DGM Video Clip 9 of 9.
You can check out more of Disc Golf Monthly on YOUTUBE at the link below:
Check out the video clips below for coverage of the 2009 Vibram Open Disc Golf Tournamnet held at the Maple Hill Disc Golf Course in Leicester, MA.
DGM 66 Video Clip 1 of 9.
DGM 66 Video Clip 2 of 9.
DGM 66 Video Clip 3 of 9.
DGM 66 Video Clip 4 of 9.
DGM 66 Video Clip 5 of 9.
DGM 66 Video Clip 6 of 10
DGM 66 Video Clip 7 of 9.
DGM Video Clip 8 of 9.
DGM Video Clip 9 of 9.
You can check out more of Disc Golf Monthly on YOUTUBE at the link below:
Saturday Disc Golf at Newport News Park and Bennett's Creek Park Disc Golf Courses.
Headed over to the Newort News Park Disc Golf Course for some rounds. This was my home course back in 1998. I learned how to play Disc Golf on this course and I try to get back every November for the Fall Tournament. I got my 406th Ace. A lefty skip Ace. After I finished playing I headed to another course.

Cubby's 406th Ace Photo.
I spent the rest of the day at Bennett's Creek Disc Golf Course. I got to throw a round and a half with some of the locals. They were a fun and spirited group of Disc Golfers.
Once it got dark, I headed back to Williamsburg to eat and rest up for Sunday's Fall Colors Disc Golf Tournament.
Friday Disc Golf at Bluemont Park in Arlington, Virginia
Wednesday production work for Disc Golf Monthly Episode 67 due for release in December.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday Night Disc Golf at Rutgers
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday Disc Golf at Bunker Hill and Rutgers
Don, Tim, EricK, Mike, Cubby, Max, EricR, Miguel, Tom, Rob

Headed over to Rob Z's Bunker Hill private Disc Golf Course for a handicap tournament. We had a very large group 11 players all in the same group. Ari joined us after the group picture. Ari is pictured below. After the event we played a round of doubles.

Don, Cubby, BOB, Josh, Tom, Eric

After playing at Bunker Hill some of us headed to Rutgers for more Disc Golf.
Headed over to Rob Z's Bunker Hill private Disc Golf Course for a handicap tournament. We had a very large group 11 players all in the same group. Ari joined us after the group picture. Ari is pictured below. After the event we played a round of doubles.
Don, Cubby, BOB, Josh, Tom, Eric
After playing at Bunker Hill some of us headed to Rutgers for more Disc Golf.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Wednesday Night Disc Golf at Rutgers and lots of Aces!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Sunday Morning Disc Golf at Green Acres
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Wednesday Disc Golf at Alexandria, Nockamixon, Tinicum, and back to Alexandria
Drove up to Karl's house arriving at 5:30AM and then we headed to Alexandria Town Park Disc Golf Course. The course currently has 15 basket and will have the other 3 baskets installed in the near future. We played 34 holes.
The next course we played was Nockamixon Park Disc Golf Course. We played 36 holes. A great, long difficult course. Zaps the joy right out of you :) I wish I had a nickle for every tree I hit or rock I stumbled over.
Here we are at Tinicum Park Disc Golf Course. We played 18 holes. The joy is coming back.
Not much light left in the day so we headed back to Alexandria for 16 Holes.
It was a fun and tiring day. We got in 104 holes. I picked up some new and used discs at Karl's house.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Tuesday Night Disc Golf at Rutgers
Headed up to the Rutgers Disc Golf Course after work on Tuesday for some rounds of Disc Golf. I got to play with Crash, Tom, and Ben. During one round Ben got two aces in the same round. The first one came at 8:51 PM on Hole 18 and the second one came at 9:13 PM on Hole 7. Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me. Way to go Ben!!!!!!!!!!!! The first time I have seen someone other than myself hit two aces in the same round. This was my first time throwing with Ben, he certainly left a lasting impression on me.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Sunday Disc Golf at Rutgers
Cubby and Big John.

Headed up to the Rutgers Disc Golf Course around dinner time for some rounds of Disc Golf with Big John. We played three rounds. Big John won the first round 7 under to 6 under, Cubby won the second round 6 under to 5 under, and Cubby won the third round 11 under to 2 under. Spook Handy joined us during the third round. It was great to get out on the course with Big John again!
Thursday, October 08, 2009
Cubby co-hosts Disc Golf Monthly Episode 65. The 2009 Iron Hill Disc Golf Tournament.

Matt and Cubby in the studio for DGM 65.
Check out the following video clips for coverage of Disc Golf Monthly Episode 65. The 2009 Iron Hil Disc Golf Tournament:
DGM 65 Video Clip 1 of 3
DGM Video Clip 2 of 3
DGM Video Clip 3 of 3
Click on the link below for more Disc Golf Monthly Videos:
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
Cubby in the studio for the November edition of Disc Golf Monthly Episode 66
Matt and Cubby co-hosting DGM Episode 66.

Headed to Pennsylvania Wednesday night to finish production of the November edtion of Disc Golf Monthly.
You can check out videos of past DGM episodes at:
Headed to Pennsylvania Wednesday night to finish production of the November edtion of Disc Golf Monthly.
You can check out videos of past DGM episodes at:
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Thursday Disc Golf at Rutgers

After work on Thursday I headed up to the Rutgers Disc Golf Course for some rounds of Disc Golf. When I got to the 18th hole during my first round, I noticed a car parked on the circle near the left side of the tree that hides 18's basket. I put my bag on the tee sign and walked to the vehicle to ask the young lady if she could move the vehicle showing her my yelow firebird and explaining that I was going to throw the disc to the adjacent basket and her car might be in the way. She moved the vehicle to the other side of the circle and I walked back to the tee. I took the yellow firebird that I had carried down to her car and threw it lefty and made a nice skip shot for my 401st Ace. She waved to me from her car in approval. A pretty cool Ace for sure. That would have been cool to capture that all on video. On the next round I missed the Ace on Hole 9 when my disc bounced out of the basket. I continued to play until it got dark and then I headed home.

Cubby's 401st Ace Photo.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday Disc Golf at Debunker Hill, Bunker Hill, Green Acres, and Rutgers Disc Golf Courses, The 2009 Battle of Jersey Disc Golf Tournament.
Mike D., Mike K., Roger, Cubby, Tim, Tom, Miguel, Rob, Don, Max.

Headed over to Max's Debunker Hill Disc Golf Course for the 2nd Annual Battle of Jersey Disc Golf Tournament. This eventis played on 3 private Disc Golf courses (The Debunker Hill course is available public play). We had a nice breakfast before the event started.
The hot rounds on this course: Max(53), Tom(54), Tim(55)
Mike R, (in front of the basket) joined us for round 2 and 3.

The second course we played was Rob's Bunker Hill Disc Golf Course.
The hot rounds on this course: Max(49), Cubby(51), Sidearm Mike(51)

The final course we played was Tim's Green Acres Disc Golf Course.
We had pizza before the round.
The hot rounds on this course: Tom(53), Max(55), Tim(55)

First Place (Two years in a row): Max! Score: 157

Second Place (winning a playoff) Tom! Score: 163

Third Place (after a long recovery from shoulder surgery) Tim! Score: 163

The 2009 Battle of Jersey top three.

Max wins the NUTSAC Disc Golf Bag that was donated by the good people that make this fine product. Check out their bags at: http://nutsacbags.com/
After the event we grilled Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Bratwursts. Miguel's Chili was delicious!

After the event, Don and I headed to Rutgers for some more Disc Golf. We played two rounds of skins, a buck a hole 50 cents a CTP. Don won 3 bucks both rounds.

Tom joined us during the rounds and Tom and I played a round after Don left. It was great to hear that Tom has 5 Aces since I last played Disc Golf with him. He has some black aces too. Tom has my twitter updates goiung to his phone like Miguel so we should get to play lots or rounds together in the future.
Headed over to Max's Debunker Hill Disc Golf Course for the 2nd Annual Battle of Jersey Disc Golf Tournament. This eventis played on 3 private Disc Golf courses (The Debunker Hill course is available public play). We had a nice breakfast before the event started.
The hot rounds on this course: Max(53), Tom(54), Tim(55)
Mike R, (in front of the basket) joined us for round 2 and 3.
The second course we played was Rob's Bunker Hill Disc Golf Course.
The hot rounds on this course: Max(49), Cubby(51), Sidearm Mike(51)
The final course we played was Tim's Green Acres Disc Golf Course.
We had pizza before the round.
The hot rounds on this course: Tom(53), Max(55), Tim(55)
First Place (Two years in a row): Max! Score: 157
Second Place (winning a playoff) Tom! Score: 163
Third Place (after a long recovery from shoulder surgery) Tim! Score: 163
The 2009 Battle of Jersey top three.
Max wins the NUTSAC Disc Golf Bag that was donated by the good people that make this fine product. Check out their bags at: http://nutsacbags.com/
After the event we grilled Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Bratwursts. Miguel's Chili was delicious!
After the event, Don and I headed to Rutgers for some more Disc Golf. We played two rounds of skins, a buck a hole 50 cents a CTP. Don won 3 bucks both rounds.
Tom joined us during the rounds and Tom and I played a round after Don left. It was great to hear that Tom has 5 Aces since I last played Disc Golf with him. He has some black aces too. Tom has my twitter updates goiung to his phone like Miguel so we should get to play lots or rounds together in the future.
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