I Did not Sleep Tuesday night in anticipation of a full day of Disc Golf with Karl on Wednesday. I left my house at 3:15AM on Wednesday to pick Karl up at his house. We headed towards Pennsylvania to hit a bunch of 9 hole Disc Golf courses. We stopped for breakfast before leaving New Jersey and arrived at our first course, Plain Park in Pennsylvania. This was a fun 9 hole course to play in a small park. After playing 18 holes we headed to our next course.

Here we are at Windlestrae Park. This course has Holes 1,2,3,4,11,5,6,7,8,9. This is the worst course I have ever played. The distance between holes is way, way, way, too long. When you finish Hole 9, the walk back to hole 1 is way, way, way, way, way too long. A great course was planned to be installed here but from what I understand from someone working at the park is that complaints from neighboring homes caused the layout to change to it's present terrible layout. This course in it's present form should be pulled as it will discourage new players from ever playing another round of Disc Golf. There is so much land at this park and so few holes.

Here we are in the parking lot of Branchwood Disc Golf Course, a short but fun 9 hole course. We forgot to take the customary photo at one of the baskets but managed to get this photo in as we were leaving the course.

Here we are at Unami Park Disc Golf Course. This 9 hole course was awesome! I loved the design of this course and my favorite is hole 4. What a view from the tee requiring a shot over water. Check out the pic of hole 4 below.

Hole 4 view from basket looking towards the tee. (click on image to see larger picture)
After Disc Golf we headed back to New Jersey and I dropped Karl off back at his house. Karl and I got in 118 holes of Disc Golf today. I still wanted to play more Disc Golf so I headed to Rutgers Disc Golf Course.

Here I am at Hole 15 basket for lots of solo rounds of Disc Golf. I had a blast at Rutgers playing to 2:30AM. I got 3 Aces; 1 on Wednesday Night and 2 on Wednesday morning. Ace 329 (Air Ace), Ace 330 (Lefty Skip Ace), Ace 331 (Righty Skip Ace).

Someone arranged some Osage Oranges to spell out CUBBY on Hole 16. My guess is Chris L. and Spook did it.

Cubby's 329th Ace Photo.

Cubby's 330th Ace Photo.

Cubby's 331st Ace Photo.
I got back home at 3:30 AM Wednesday morning. A total of 24 hours and 15 minutes on the road, 300+ miles driven and lots of fun Disc Golf. I usually update the blog when I get home, but this update had to wait for some sleep. Thnaks Karl for another fun road trip and for picking me up an Innova Champion Boss from Marshall Street.