Headed to Tyler State Park in Newtown, PA for a round of 27 Holes before going to the studio for Disc Golf Monthly show production.

Check out the new T-Shirts I got from Ergophobia.com I wore 3 of the 5 during this Disc Golf adventure. The shirts look great and are very comfortable for Disc Golf use. I highly recommend these T-Shirts.

Mike joined me for the last two holes at Tyler.

Matt Lacourte and Cubby in the Studio for production of a future show.

After the studio work was done I headed to Rutgers for more Disc Golf. Thanks to Big "lucky" John for posting on the message board that I was heading to Rutgers.
Jeff, Cubby, and Steve.

After 8 Holes, I was joined by Jeff and Steve for some more rounds. I got my 309th Ace on Hole 9. It was my 100th Skip Ace. The last time I hit an Ace was playing with Steve and Jeff in June.

Cubby's 309th Ace Photo.
Jeff left after two rounds and Steve and I played some more rounds.

Chris arrived as Steve was leaving and Chris and I got in lots of rounds. I shot 14 birdies in a row during the last round only to par the last 4 holes. 14 birdies in a row is my personal best. I really thought I might have a run at 18 in a row beating my best of 17 under at Rutgers. Maybe next time.
Thanks to everyone that came out to play. Chris and I finished at 3:30AM on Wednesday. I am still waiting for that elusive Ace when I am playing a round with Chris. Can't say I didn't try I had Ace run after ace run.