Headed to Pennsylvania to co-host the next edtion of Disc Golf Monthly. It was a fun experience and in hind sight I should have set up my camera to record video of all our bloopers. Once we got warmed up everything flowed smoothly. My co-host was Joe Mela, the 2001 PDGA Open Masters Disc Golf World Champion.

Kevin McGorry, the producer of Disc Golf Monthly at the controls preparing for our studio work.

Joe Mela and Cubby on stage after we completed our studio work.
Thanks Kevin for the chance to work with Disc Golf Monthly again and Joe Mela for a great time behind the Microphone.
This production should be released in May on Comcast "On Demand" and on YOUTUBE. I will post video on the blog when the show is released.

After taping the show I still had some daylight left and called Rob. We decided to meet at his Bunker Hill Disc Golf Course. I arrived at the course first and get in some rounds. I am standing next to Rob's Disc Golf Target creation. "The Gallows" The chain rack hangs from a tree and the basket is built on a wood pile.

Rob joins me on the course for more Disc Golf.

Cubby makes one of a number of long putts on the course today.

Rob putting at the Red Mach V.
After Disc Golf we headed into Rob's house and played a really cool board game. I headed home and felt terrible, I think I am getting sick all over again. Bummer!!!
My Grandmother Romona Vales passed away on 6 April 2008. She was 94. First Mom in January then her Mom in April. Two special ladies that made me the kind hearted person that I am. Rest in peace Grandma.