Headed up to Rutgers Disc Golf Course early Sunday morning to meet Keith S. from Freeport, IL. Keith has been following my YOUTUBE videos and had the chance to travel to New Jersey so we made arrangements to meet and play some Disc Golf at Rutgers. Keith you are now a part of Cubby's Disc Golf World. It was great to throw some rounds with you my friend.

Big John joined us for round number 2. We took a video of the round. See who took the victory. It came down to the last hole. Someone crashed the chains on a hole too, did it stay in????
(Part 1 of 2. Holes 8-16.) Video of a round of Disc Golf with Cubby, Big John, and Keith S.
(Part 2 of 2. Holes 17-7.) Video of a round of Disc Golf with Cubby, Big John, and Keith S.

Miguel joined us for round 3.
We played one more round of doubles Cubby and Keith against Big John and Miguel. Cubby and Keith took the win.

After playing at Rutgers, Cubby, Big John, and Miguel headed to Tim E.'s Green Acres Disc Golf Course. Tim's friend Mike (not pictured) joined us for round 1.
Miguel had to leave after round 1. Cubby and Big John stayed for one more round. Tim took round 1 and Tim and Cubby tied round 2.

After Green Acres Cubby and Big John headed to Rob Z.'s Bunker Hill Disc Golf Course to play for the rest of the day in the rain.
Cubby, Don (back to the camera), and Big John

Don joined us for the duration of the day. We had lots of fun and Rob also joined us for some of the Night Disc Golf action. We had Pizza between rounds and played some fosball and darts in Rob's basement. Rob and Big John ruled the Fosball Table and Big John smoked us in darts. We played in the rain after the indoor break finishing around 8:30PM. what a fun day of Disc Golf!!!!!!!!!!! Rob thanks for the hospitality at BH. Pizza is on me next time.